Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Andrew Dawson HOF Hat

Alright, Cubs fans. This hot tidbit fresh off the grill is for you.

Andre Dawson was elected into the Hall of Fame (HOF) and told the committee that he wanted to go in as a Cub, not an Expo. What does that mean?
> On his HOF plaque, his image is in bronze and includes a hat.
> Dawson wants it to be a Cubs hat and told the committee. The committee decided that he'd go in as a Montreal Expo.
> Dawson played 10 years for the Expos, 6 years for the Cubs.
> It was at the Cubs that, Dawson (nicknamed the Hawk) won the MVP award.
> Should his input carry more weight? (I say yes.)

In the end, I think it's a doggone shame and I'm on a slow broil over it.

Talk it up and enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I, for one, am glad that the Hall stepped up and put him in his rightful hat. The Expos have only one other player represented in the Hall and Dawson did spend almost twice as much of his career in Montreal. He was one of the leaders on that team and he put up much of his career stats in Montreal. It is a problem that the Hall did not have much debate over in the past as most players were always associated with one team, but with the advent of free agency and how it is being used now, we will have more of these discussions than ever before coming up. Don't forget that the Tampa Bay tried to get Wade Boggs to enter the Hall wearing their hat. The people of Chicago may love the Hawk, but to me I always see him as an Expo.