Sunday, November 1, 2009


Happy November!

I owe you two tips since I missed yesterday. Saturday, instead of talking sports, I was watching them and it was glorious!


Both tips deal with baseball:
> Notice that when a batter is bunting the announcers will talk about how the hitter "squares up" to the pitcher. That's because it's tough to bunt when hitters are in the traditional batting stance i.e. standing perpendicular to the pitcher. If they square up by facing the pitcher then they can move the bat up or down. The goal is to literally "lay down a bunt". Batters don't want the bunt to go up in the air. That makes for an easy out.

> In the World Series, you'll notice that when games are played at Yankee Stadium, an American League Ballpark, there's a designed hitter or DH. That hitter bats in place of the pitcher. But tonight, with the game in Philadelphia, a National League city, the pitchers are batting. Why? Home field rules apply. American League teams use a DH; National League teams do not. So pitchers hit in Philly; they don't in New York.

More tomorrow. Enjoy!

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